
Sáng Sớm – Vietnamese Brunch Series (July 2021)

Sáng Sớm - Vietnamese Brunch Series

Project: Branding & Coaster
Date: July 2021

Sáng Sớm‎ means Early Morning in Vietnamese. When I was a kid, whenever I had to wake up early for something, like going to Dim Sum, I remember my parents saying I had to go to bed early because we had to be up Sáng Sớm.

In LA, I find it difficult to make plans early in the morning because everyone is going hard on a Saturday night & we wake up with a hangover. So brunch usually starts in the late mornings or early afternoon. I thought, Sáng Sớm, is a fun name for my brunch series because it’s “early” for LA.

The branding was creating for the social media & digital invitation. Coasters were designed for usage during brunch that teaches some Vietnamese Phrases to use during the meal.


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